Brian T. Sniffen said on Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 11:15:12AM -0500,:

 > enumerated in US legislation -- they are alluded to in some laws, and
 > mentioned in court cases, but intentionally underspecified.

'Law' is what the courts say it is. May be, the US legal system has a
different view of the copyright law.

 > You fail to distinguish between modification of an instance of a work
 > -- such as sawing a book in half, or writing notes in the margins
 > -- and

The person  who steals a book  is guilty of larceny,  not violation of
copyright. I  am very surprised  that you regard  physical destruction
(ok. 'modification' if  you want it that way) of the  media on which a
copyrighted  work is  contained  as modification  for  the purpose  of
 > What you say here is exceptionally misleading.


Please      re-read,
paragraph 18.   The important words are  '...actually _subtracts_ from
the author's usual ...." and "... unilaterally permitted ..."

After that, do proceed to read the concluding sentence of para 36.

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,                   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,               
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,               
  Kerala, India.                          

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