Joachim Breitner wrote:
> Now compare Atmel: They give me the binary with a note (called GPL),
> that I can get the source code from then, the next 2 years at the
> expense of the copying (or something like that). If they don't do that,
> they are misleading the customer.

The GPL nowhere says that the original author of the code will
give the source to anyone. It only says that recipients who
distribute binaries, must also distribute source (or offer to
distribute source). 

If someone writes software under GPL and distributes binaries
only, he makes it impossible for everyone else to redistribute
those binaries. I do not think that that in itself is sufficient
to _demand_ source from that person. There has to be something
else, like a statement that this software can be freely modified
or may be copied by anyone.


Arnoud Engelfriet, Dutch patent attorney - Speaking only for myself
Patents, copyright and IPR explained for techies:

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