On Sat, Dec 06, 2003 at 05:02:11AM +0100, M?ns Rullg?rd wrote:
> Andrew Suffield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> OK, say I use the X11 license.  Now suppose someone installs a closed
> >> source plugin.  Suppose it also happens that this same user has
> >> installed some GPL plugin.  Both plugins would be allowed separately,
> >> right?  When the user runs the program, it will load both plugins.
> >> Would this in some magical way make the plugins derived works of each
> >> other, thus violating the GPL?
> >
> > No. But a vendor could get into trouble if they shipped both.
> How's that?  The GPL allows distribution together with non-GPL works,
> as long as the non-GPL things are not derived from anything GPL'd.  In
> my opinion, placing two shared objects in the same tar file doesn't
> make one a derived work of the other.  Would it make a difference if
> the offending (to rms) plugins were distributed separately?


This now gets into the hazy realm where it's best not to go - a court
could decide either way.

The argument is, approximately, that by shipping the whole lot
together you are creating a derived work that violates at least once
of the licenses. Certainly you can concoct a case where this is
plausible (wrap them all up in one .deb with a default configuration
that uses both) - and it is not at all clear where to draw the
line. There are legitimate arguments in both directions (the
counter-argument is approximately "It's not derivation, it's

For this sort of stuff, when there isn't a clear answer, you have
basically two options:

 a) Ask a lawyer, and be willing to fight it in court if necessary
 b) Assume you can't do it and stay clear

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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