On Sat, 06 Dec 2003, Måns Rullgård wrote:
> If I write a program and release it under some non-GPL licencse, and
> *later* someone writes a plugin and releases it under the GPL, how
> can the program possibly become a derived work of that plugin?

No, the program itself doesn't, but the work plugin+program does.

> In my particular case, a plugin must implement one or more predefined
> interfaces.  Several implementations of an interface can (and do)
> exist independently.  Does this affect the situation in any way?

Yes, assuming one of those implementation's licenses is compatible
with the plugin, or the plugin is written to a generic interface and
thus is a derived work of the generic interface as opposed to the
implementation of that interface.

> BTW, what is the FSF's position on programs communicating using
> CORBA-like methods?

I don't know if they've really come out and said yet. I suppose there
are cases where a corba-like method wouldn't be subject to GPL being
applied to the work as a whole, and cases where it would.

You probably should ask the FSF for their opinion.

Don Armstrong

I'd sign up in a hot second for any cellular company whose motto was:
"We're less horrible than a root canal with a cold chisel."
-- Cory Doctorow


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