O Martes, 11 de Maio de 2004 ás 13:09:12 -0400, Raul Miller escribía:

> The GPL specifically disallows creation of copies with changes -- no
> matter how functional -- which include restrictions on the rights of
> other users of derivatives.

 The GPL forbids distributing copies under a license placing additional
restrictions on the recipient's rights. If the recipient receives a copy of
GCC (for instance) in DRM-uncopiable media, it is either:

 1- a binary, in which case the recipiet is entitled to GCC's source code,
that is: it's "preferred form for modification"
 2- source code, in which case it isn't its "preferred form for
modification", and then no proper distribution under the terms of the GPL
has been made

 And the GPL doesn't forbid anyone to modify a CD-burning program to
generate DRM-capable media, or something like that.



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