On Tue, 2004-08-03 at 15:02, Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
> Hm.  I'm going to go read some copyright law and collect variants of
> the BSD license and see what I think after a few weeks of that.  Until
> then, I'll let those with louder arguments figure out the X11/X.org
> issue.

The language in question is used in almost every X11-variant license I
know of, in all manner of software projects. It's definitely all over X.
So I don't think your conclusion really matters. If these license terms
are deemed non-free, it will point out one of two things:

1. The criteria Debian applies are too strict, because we are finding a
free license non-free, or

2. Free operating systems are decades behind proprietary operating
systems to the point of uselessness, because we will no longer have a
free networkable graphical infrastructure. Debian will be forced to
choose between accepting "non-free" software in main, or losing
basically every user.

The X11 license is pervasive in the free software community, and it was
before Debian, or Linux. Therefore, I think interpretations that lead to
the X11 license being non-free are prima facia wrong, since the free
software community was defined initially by the people distributing
software under this and other licenses.
Joe Wreschnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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