Walter Landry writes:
>In general, I find this complaining about debian-legal to be
>misplaced.  It is as if people started complaining that the french
>localization list came up with a french style guide without
>"consulting" anyone (oh, and they use this strange terminology called
>"French" to discuss things).  If you are interested in french style
>guides, then that is the obvious place to go.  Similarly, if you are
>interested in legal issues, then you go to debian-legal.

Hmmm. That's a bogus example. The French localisation list would not
generally claim that they were making decisions that would affect the
entirety of Debian, whereas licensing decisions _definitely_

debian-legal also tends to be full of pedantic arguments about precise
meanings of words and clauses (inevitable due to the legalese
involved, I suppose) which makes the discussions here very difficult
to join without a very large amount of context/archive
reading/whatever. Add in posturing and bogus summaries and claims of
consensus, and it's easy to see why lots of DDs don't even bother
trying to take part any more. For -legal discussions to gain general
backing and support, we need to make the much more accessible. Updates
to the DFSG are one thing I'd like to see to streamline some of the
discussion; maybe an _objective_ weekly/monthly summary of discussions
would help too.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Every time you use Tcl, God kills a kitten." -- Malcolm Ray

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