On Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 09:55:26PM -0400, Walter Landry wrote:
> This is where I disagree.  Requiring modifiers to license changes as
> free for everyone to make proprietary is not free.  I don't know of
> any other licenses in main that have that requirement.

So you're saying, I think, that any viral (GPL-ish "must be available under
these terms"/"may not add restrictions") license that does not require source
distribution (and therefore prohibits requiring it) is non-free.  I'm not
sure I agree, though this is tangental to the DFSG#5 argument here.

Do you also disagree with my general argument that this type of requirement
doesn't fail DFSG#5, or do you not have an opinion on that?  I ask because
disagreeing with this particular example doesn't imply disagreement with
the DFSG#5 counterargument, so I just want to be clear.

Glenn Maynard

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