On Thu, 19 Aug 2004, Sven Luther wrote:
> So, if i want to be protected, i have to give away my copyright ?

Unless you want to do the protecting yourself, yes, since it's pretty
difficult for the FSF to file a suit against someone without being the
copyright holder. Although, they have been known to help copyright
holders in negotiating with violators of their licenses.

In any case, it's not like you can't maintain your right to sublicense
your work if you do the copyright assignment to the FSF properly.
[From what I understand, the default language of the assignment
contains such a clause.]

Don Armstrong

Our days are precious, but we gladly see them going
If in their place we find a thing more precious growing
A rare, exotic plant, our gardener's heart delighting
A child whom we are teaching, a booklet we are writing
 -- Frederick Rükert _Wisdom of the Brahmans_ 
 [Hermann Hesse _Glass Bead Game_]

http://www.donarmstrong.com  http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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