> > I can see why you'd think that.  However, that's not one of the terms
> > offered by GPL v2.  Perhaps there will be a GPL v3 which offers something
> > analogous to "GPL v2 alone" as one of its terms.

On Thu, Aug 26, 2004 at 11:43:14AM -0400, Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
> What do you mean that's not one of the terms offered?

I mean, when I read the terms of version 2 of the GPL, I don't see that
one offered in the sense of disallowing the user to use later versions
of the GPL.

Being available under version 2 of the GPL is certainly valid.  My point
was simply that this doesn't have the meaning some people seem to be
trying to claim -- that of disallowing the user to use GPL v3.

> If I say something is available under the terms of the GPL v2, what do you
> think that means?  Legally null?

No, it means that it is available under the terms of the GPL v2 -- thus,
where that version of the GPL offers options, you may choose any of the
options it offers.

> If so, the FSF doesn't agree with you:
> http://www.fsf.org/licenses/info/GPLv2orLater.html
> They say that allows distribution under the GPLv2.

And I agree with them.


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