Anthony DeRobertis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sep 4, 2004, at 07:55, Florian Weimer wrote:
>>> That sounds quite like "plac[ing] restrictions on other software that
>>> is distributed along with the licensed software."
>> If curl-ssl is linked to GPLed programs by default, it's not mere
>> aggregation.
> But it's not linked to the programs. The programs would, of course,
> Build-Depend on libcurl and Build-Conflicts with libcurl-ssl. So the
> programs were dynamically linked to libcurl-nossl (or libcurl-gnutls,
> or whatever).
> We then distribute source under the terms of the GPL:
>       The source code for a work means the preferred form of the
>       work for making modifications to it. For an executable work,
>       complete source code means all the source code for all modules
>       it contains, plus any associated interface definition files,
>       plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation
>       of the executable.
> The binary of FOO we redistribute contains the module FOO, of course,
> and maybe the module libcurl-nossl. We distribute the source to those
> under GPL 3(a).
> If libcurl-ssl happens to be installed by default, how does that
> matter then? OpenSSL is not a module of FOO because /FOO was compiled
> without it/.

But it'll link against lubcurl-ssl, which we also put on the user's
machine.  It doesn't matter how complicated the contraption for
getting some program with libcurl-ssl and openssl into a shared memory
space on an end user's machine is -- it's still a contraption for
distributing that final work.

Debian will still have built a contraption that distributes some
program containing OpenSSL to an end user.

Brian Sniffen                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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