On Sun, Sep 19, 2004 at 09:41:05AM -0400, Michael Poole wrote:
> Note that there are two kinds of patent clauses floating around:
> One says that if you sue the software's authors for *any* patent
> infringement, your license is terminated.
> The other says that if you sue claiming that the software infringes
> your patent, your license is terminated.
> The former is objectionable -- and I think not free -- because the
> author's alleged patent infringement need not be related to the
> software.  I am not sure why some people think the latter is
> objectionable, since it is similar in spirit and effect to the GPL's
> termination case

I am not sure why some people think the latter is acceptable, since it
is similar in spirit and effect to the MS EULA (which says that you
can't do anything the copyright holder doesn't like).

Free software licenses give things to the licensee. Not the copyright

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