On Fri, Oct 01, 2004 at 01:09:36AM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
> On 2004-10-01 00:37:18 +0100 Glenn Maynard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >If so, then I have no idea what you meant; please be more specific 
> >(ie.
> >give an example). [...]
> I gave an example in my previous email and you quoted it. I think 
> either you are being obtuse, or we cannot communicate about this.

If you gave an example, it was

> "I consider .... the preferred form for modifying this program"

which is exactly the form of my examples: "I consider C code to be the
preferred form for modifying this program", "I consider MIDI to be
the preferred form for modifying this music", "I consider PSD to be
the preferred form for modifying this image".  All of these are extremely
confused things to be attaching to a work under the GPL, and all of
these are what people are likely to do based on your "so specify it"

You said that's not what you meant, though, so I have no idea what you
did mean.

Glenn Maynard

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