* Josselin Mouette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-12-02 19:00]:

> SimNazi is an isometric city simulation. The object of SimNazi is to keep
> your citizens under your thumb, and manage to generate enough resources
> and soldiers to withstand the hardships of WWII. 
> The game play is centered around "what if hitler had developed Nuclear
> Weapons first?", or "What if the Nazi army had beed supplied better and
> the allies were unable to discontinue their supply chain?". It is the
> Goal of SimNazi to be as historicaly accurate as possible.

Even if the upstream hompage states "IS NOT RACIST OR TO BE INTENDED AS
SUCH" I think this qualifies for a violation of the Austrian
Verbotsgesetz 1947, veröffentlicht im StGBl. Nr. 13/1945 idF.: BGBl. Nr.

"Nach § 3g wird auch bestraft, wer in einem Druckwerk, im Rundfunk oder
in einem anderen Medium oder wer sonst öffentlich auf eine Weise, daß es
vielen Menschen zugänglich wird, den nationalsozialistischen Völkermord
oder andere nationalsozialistische Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit
leugnet, gröblich verharmlost, gutheißt oder zu rechtfertigen sucht."

That translates as:

Prosecuted according to sec. 3g will be who publishes denial,
belittlement, approval or compurgation of the national socialist
genocide via print-media, broadcast or in any other media or in a way
that is accessible for a lot of people.

In Austria e.g. Wolfenstein 3D was censored as the display of
Nazi-Symbols already qualified as violation of the Verbotsgesetz.

and § 3g states:

"[...] sofern die Tat nicht nach einer anderen Bestimmung strenger
strafbar ist, mit Freiheitsstrafe von einem bis zu zehn Jahren, bei
besonderer Gefährlichkeit des Täters oder der Betätigung bis zu 20
Jahren bestraft."

That translates as:

"[...] unless the action is not penalized stricter by another clause, it
is penalized with prison sentence of one to ten years, in case of
particular dangerousness of the committer of of the actuation woth up to
20 years."


If SimNazi is included into the main archive and distributed to Austrian
mirrors this would put our fellow mirror sponsors and the project itself
including our DPL, who is Austrian, in danger of imprisonment. 

Full text of the law is available at

yours maxx
p.s. please cc me as I'm not subscribed to debian-legal
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ---- Debian GNU/Linux - The Universal Operation System

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