On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 01:36:42AM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
> On 1/12/06, Andrew Suffield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 09:44:32PM +0000, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> > > Is there any way out of this? I'm not modifying the source at all. I
> > > just download the tar.gz file and put it on a CD.
> > >
> > > Does this clause mean that everyone who is giving out OpenOffice or
> > > Knoppix CDs is breaking the law?
> >
> > You aren't required to give copies of the source to
> > everybody. However, if somebody gives you a Knoppix CD, and you ask
> > for the source, and they *refuse* (and don't exercise any of the other
> > options either), then they would be breaking the law.
> Bullshit. Go read 17 USC 109. That's the law.

If they refuse to provide you the source (or access to the source, or
whatever), then they are in violation of the GPL.  Is this not against
the law (in the US, UK, wherever)?


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