Nathanael Nerode wrote:
> Package: xserver-xorg (optional; Debian X Strike Force et al.) 
> [xorg-x11/6.9.0.dfsg.1-4 ; =] [add/edit comment]
> 211765 [           ] xfree86: material under GLX Public License and SGI Free 
> Software License B is not DFSG-free
> As far as I can tell, the philosophy of the most recent GR is that Debian 
> should 
> look for the "spirit" of the license -- and assume that licensors don't 
> really 
> mean what they say when they say things which contradict the spirit.  While I 
> think this is legally stupid, it is exactly what Adeoato said when he said 
> that 
> he didn't believe that the GFDL actually contained the restrictions on 
> encryption 
> etc. which it contains if read literally.

As far as I can tell, the most recent GR states no more and no less than
the idea that the GFDL should be considered DFSG-free without
unmodifiable parts.  Let's not compound the insanity by attempting to
extrapolate these results to other licenses.

> Package: libnss-ldap (extra; Stephen Frost) [libnss-ldap/238-1.1 ; =] 
> [add/edit comment]
> 199810 [           ] [NONFREE-DOC:RFC] Includes non-free documentation 
> (RFC2307)
> More unmodifiable material.  The "do what I mean not what I say" philosophy 
> promoted
> by the recent GR may mean that this should not be considered unmodifiable, 
> however.
> I'm not sure.

See above, and also note that the GR specifically proscribed
unmodifiable material.

- Josh Triplett

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