On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 11:32:12AM -0800, Walter Landry wrote:
> I think the sentiment that produced this voting pattern was a desire
> not to see any more emails about the GFDL.  For example, Anthony Towns
> wrote [1]:
>   I think Anton's amendment has received more than enough discussion
>   that it ought to be voted above "Further Discussion"
> Essentially, voter fatigue has beaten out Further Discussion.  I would
> consider that a flaw in the voting method, though not all may agree.

The "free in all cases" option was beaten by "free in no cases" by 226:117
(2 out of 3 voters), and by "free in the absence of invariant sections"
by 266:76 (7 out of 9 voters). That's not evidence of "voter fatigue",
it's evidence that the issues have been thought through enough for us
to make a clear decision. Which we did.

That you disagree with that decision is fine -- the only way to ensure no
one ever comes to a decision you disagree with is to be absolute dictator
for life. But there's no need to cast aspersions on the people who
disagree with you, that they only did so due to "fatigue" or ignorance.


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