Adam Borowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 16 Mar 2006, Frank Küster wrote:
>> Adam Borowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I've tried contacting Janusz Nowacki on 28 Apr 2005 and 14 Sep 2005
>>> but received no answer.  He's obviously alive, so this could be caused
>>> either by his lack of time or a mail misconfiguration somewhere on the
>>> way; anyway, I finally forgot about the issue.
>> I have written to the three contact authors listed in antp's README.ENG
>> earlier this week and waiting for an answer.
> Did you get any answer?

Not yet.

>>> My old ITP for ttf-antp (#299771) is still lingering open, but as you
>>> seem to be interested in the whole GUST set, there is no point in
>>> having a separate badly-done package for just one family.
>> I won't package anything additional; howeer the TeX task force is open
>> to making their (Type1) fonts available to the non-TeX public (actually,
>> Norbert joined the newly founded font team).
> The best idea would be separating the fonts out of tetex-base (an 80MB big
> package) and registering them with fontconfig.  It appears that this
> is what you're going to do.  If I'm wrong, I can correct my package,
> assuming that you can succeed in wresting a license statement from the
> authors.
> Having antp in X would be good as bitstream fonts lack Polish
> diacriticals, but having all TeX fonts usable in this way would be
> even better.

We have indeed thought about providing the Type1 fonts in Tex for usage
under X, but this is a long-term goal.  Currently most of our time is
spent on license issues, ways to provide users with a not-outdated TeX
system for etch, and the daily work of bugs drippling in.  We still hope
to accomplish the big tetex-base restructuring before etch, including
the fonts package for X, but I can't promise anything.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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