First, apologies if these questions doesn't belong on this list.

I'm wondering if you can answer the question belonging to this story:

I write a big document, license it under GPL.

The document contains several chapters about installing and using 
version 1.3 of some program, let's call it "Cleanup". I title this 
document "Using and installing version 1.3 of Cleanup"

Recently version 2.0 of this program was released.

Now, someone has translated this document, and translate the title to 
"Using and installing version 2.0 of Cleanup"

Upon asking the translator how he managed the transition from 1.3 
to 2.0 in the title, he says he removed the chapters that wasn't 
relevant to version 2.0 of Cleanup, therefor he could call it 
"Using and installing version 2.0 of Cleanup".

The translator makes no mentioning of the fact that the document 
isn't merely translated, but also heavily edited, and nothing like 
the original anymore.

Is this in violation of the gpl?
Is he allowed to remove chapters and misleadingly change the title?
All without and against my concensus.


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