Sean Kellogg wrote:
>On Monday 19 January 2009 02:03:32 am Ben Finney wrote:
>> He apparently finds it best to include these disclaimers to forestall
>> such ire. Which is a perfectly valid position for him to take, given
>> the persistence of said ire, and its peculiar tendency to be directed
>> at him in particular.
>Stated a tad more fairly to those who have asked Fancesco to add
>disclaimers... Francesco has a tendency to state opinions a little
>too "matter-of-factly" for some d-l participents, leading those who
>disagree to accuse him of the cardinal sin of "giving legal advice,"
>which is illegal in many jurisdictions (certainly the United States)
>without proper certification.

That might cover the TINLA, but that's only one of them. AFAICS
Francesco has taken to adding his disclaimers after being criticised
for posting responses to -legal queries that might otherwise have been
mistaken as opinions of a DD, or even the Debian project as a
whole. As he is neither, the disclaimers may have a useful effect;
they might have even more if they were spelled out fully. It's
unfortunate that there is such a disconnect between the the talking
heads on -legal and the DDs actually working on Debian.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
< liw> everything I know about UK hotels I learned from "Fawlty Towers"

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