I raised this in the past as we use Zimbra internally. The main objection at 
that time was "choice of venue", which has been discussed at length. 

I continue to hold the view that establishing the legal venue gives clarity to 
the contractual structure of the agreement in a positive way. Its better to 
have the contract explicitly define which legal "operating system" it is 
designed to execute in. Otherwise, the language of the contract may be 
interpreted in a way radically different than the intent with which it was 

My opinion is currently not the popular one. It just makes rational sense in my 

----- "Cedric Fachinetti" wrote: 

> I quoted Allard Hoeve March 2008: 
> We'd like to try to package Zimbra for Debian. 
> Zimbra is at http://www.zimbra.com/. It is distributed according to the Yahoo 
> Public License, which you can read at 
> http://www.zimbra.com/license/yahoo_public_license_1.1.html Is the Yahoo 
> Public License DFSG-compatible? 
> I haven't found anything that made me believe otherwise but the license does 
> state for example: "Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, 
> __Yahoo!__ hereby grants to You, under any and all of its copyright interest 
> in and to the Software, a royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferable 
> license to copy, modify, compile, execute, and distribute the Software and 
> Modifications." 
> What does the debian-legal community think? 

Ean Schuessler, CTO Brainfood.com 
e...@brainfood.com - http://www.brainfood.com - 214-720-0700 x 315 

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