On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 00:06:47 -0800 (PST) Walter Landry wrote:

> The license was never really an issue.  There was an explanatory note
> which contradicted the license and seemed to add non-free terms, but
> that is not the license.

As I summarized in
the license itself is not really a show-stopper (as long as we neglect
how upstream interpret it, a strategy that should not be taken lightly,

The real problem is the incompatibility of the OCTPL with the GPL:
see again the above-cited message, which, unfortunately, received no
reply at all from debian-legal participants.

An update on the situation follows.

There's still no progress on the re-licensing of Open CASCADE: the
management (of Open CASCADE S.A.S.) has not yet discussed the matter
and it seems that no decision is going to be taken in a short time
I am going on contacting them periodically and asking them if there's
some progress, but, apparently, I am not persuasive enough...  :-(

As a consequence, if nobody else helps me by contacting upstream and
persuading them to re-license under the LGPLv2.1, I am afraid that two
serious bugs have to be filed against freecad and gmsh.
I was waiting to do this, since I was hoping that the problem could be
solved by the re-licensing of opencascade, but now I am beginning to
lose the hope that this can happen in a reasonable time frame.

 Need some pdebuild hook scripts?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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