On Sat, 22 Jan 2011 18:24:00 -0400 David Prévot wrote:

> Le 19/01/2011 22:24, Simon Chopin a écrit :
> > Hi !
> Hi all, Kalle CCed,

I am also CC:ing Kalle.

> > IMHO (very humble, actually), I don't see where this license isn't
> > DFSG-compliant,

Please see my analysis:
and my recent reply:

> > but I am able to understand the French version, and have
> > to agree with David on the inaccuracy of the translation.

The inaccurate English translation is a flaw in itself.

> > I also assume the license forces the www-team to package the licenced
> > stuff into a separate package. Am I correct, and would it be easily
> > doable ?
> Actually, the website itself is not packaged, so it doesn't need to
> comply with the DFSG

It doesn't need to, since it's not part of the Debian system (see the
Social Contract), but I think it should be as close to DFSG-free as
possible (ideally perfectly DFSG-free).
See also  http://bugs.debian.org/238245

> (well, where would the Debian Logo go? ;-),

Oh, let's not open that can of worms within this thread, please: it
would drive the discussion far far away... The Debian Logo license
issue has been discussed several times on debian-legal and elsewhere,
so let's avoid mixing two mostly unrelated topics.

> but the
> question remains to include Kalle's design in a package like
> installation-guide.

Good question: in that case, it would be greatly appreciated if Kalle's
design were licensed under GPL-v2-compatible terms.

> Kalle, would it be OK for you to publish your design under a double
> license (e.g. Free Art License 1.3 and GPL if this is possible)?

I would also like to express my personal desire to see Kalle's design
licensed (or at least dual-licensed) under the GNU GPL v2.
Please, Kalle, consider doing so!

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