On Mon, 19 Jan 2009 12:20:40 -0800
Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org> wrote:

> If I check the generated templates in the binary deb, how do I check that
> the string was marked for translation?  We don't want to trigger this tag
> on strings that aren't intended to be translated.

TBH I was expecting that all questions would be translated - at least
the help text (Description), even if not the possible answers.
Otherwise, doesn't it tend to indicate that debconf is being used as a

The empirical answer, at the moment, would be as described earlier:


should fail - with the proviso that the last question in the file also
needs to be allowed to fail, so check for EOF as well.


would pass.

A quick check finds these files on my system that contain unexpected
content like:
Template: debconf-apt-progress/info
Type: text
Description: ${DESCRIPTION}

Template: debconf-apt-progress/media-change
Type: text
Description: Media change

How are those variables utilised? Where and how could these be

debconf.templates failed
console-data.templates failed
x11-common.templates failed
gdm.templates failed
console-setup.templates failed
tasksel.templates failed
dbconfig-common.templates failed
linux-image-2.6.24-1-amd64.templates failed
linux-image-2.6.25-2-amd64.templates failed
linux-image-2.6.26-1-amd64.templates failed

That's using a script based on the perl script from the other message.
Out of 65 templates on this system, it's a start.

Choices is a little awkward but I cannot see a scenario where Choices
is *translated* but the Description *is not* so basing the check on
Description alone (to avoid a more common case where Choices is not
translatable) is appropriate, AFAICT.

x11 has:
Template: x11-common/xwrapper/actual_allowed_users
Type: string
Description: internal use only
 This template is never shown to the user and does not require

Others include:
Template: console-data/bootmap-md5sum
Type: string
Default: none
Description: for internal use

Template: gdm/daemon_name
Type: string
Default: /usr/bin/gdm
Description: for internal use only

Template: console-setup/modelcode
Type: string
Description: for internal use

Template: console-setup/layoutcode
Type: string
Description: for internal use

Template: console-setup/variantcode
Type: string
Description: for internal use

Template: console-setup/optionscode
Type: string
Description: for internal use

Template: console-setup/fontsize
Type: string
Description: for internal use

Template: console-setup/codesetcode
Type: string
Description: for internal use

Those all look wrong to me - debconf for internal use only?

Template: tasksel/desktop
Type: multiselect
Choices: gnome, kde, xfce
Default: gnome
Description: The desktop environment to install when the desktop task
is selected This can be preseeded to change the default.

(That tasksel one looks like a true positive - I can't see why that is
not translated.)

Template: dbconfig-common/missing-db-package-error
Type: select
Choices: abort, retry, ignore
Default: abort
Description: Database package required.
 To properly configure the database for ${pkg}, it is necessary
 that you also have ${dbpackage} installed.  Unfortunately, this can
 not be done automatically.
 If in doubt, you should choose "abort", and install ${dbpackage} before
 continuing with the configuration of this package.  If you choose
"retry", you will be allowed to choose different answers (in case you
chose the wrong database type by mistake).  If you choose "ignore",
then installation will continue as normal.
 (Note to translators: don't bother translating this message yet, as the
  text/wording is not stabilized)

Hmm. That's going to be tricky to identify but probably OK for an

linux-image-2.6.24-1-amd64.templates - none of the strings appear to be
translated and to my eye, all should have been - true positive?

Ditto for linux-image-2.6.25-2-amd64.templates and

I'm attaching the script so that others can check their templates
files. (Consider it under the GPL-3+, Copyright me 2009. Note that
it does not currently check for EOF correctly.)

So, overall, only one package needs an override from this cursory
glance at one machine, two packages (four template files) look like
correct checks that should have been caught before (probably) and
another 4 that are using debconf "for internal use" which seems to be
against the spirit of debconf, to me anyway. 

Oh and before anyone asks, I'm not saying that the true positive checks
or the "internal use only" templates need to be fixed for Lenny. ;-)


Neil Williams


opendir (LINT, "/var/lib/dpkg/info/");
@files=grep(/templates$/, readdir(LINT));
closedir (LINT);
foreach $file (@files)
	open (FILE, "/var/lib/dpkg/info/$file");
	close (FILE);
	my $incomplete;
	my $stanza;
	foreach $line (@lines)
		if ($line =~ /^Description: /)
			undef $incomplete;
		undef ($stanza) if ($line =~ /^Description-/);
		if ((defined ($stanza) and ($line =~ /^Template:/)))
	close (I18N);
	print "$file failed\n" if (defined $incomplete);

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