Thorsten Glaser <> writes:

> Lintian gives me an informative message about:

> Vcs-CVS: contrib/hosted/tg/deb/mksh

> As far as I can see, it “chokes” on the :ext: (since :pserver: ought to
> have died long ago…)

> I think I reported that already, some time ago. Any news from this
> front?

Hi Thorsten,

I don't see any bug open about this.  Did I just miss it?  If not, in the
future could you please file a bug if you run into a false positive like
this?  I work on Lintian pretty much entirely from the BTS, so if it isn't
a bug, it tends to fall off my radar.

> I’m asking because a DD asked why I override the lintian warning I get
> with the above line and similar ones in other packages. He even
> suggested I move to SVN… *shudder*

Yeah, why would you go to Subversion when you could just go straight to
Git?  :)

> You’d almost certainly just have to change %VCS_RECOMMENDED_URIS (the
> cvs entry) to change :pserver: to :(ext|pserver): I’d say.

Done for the next release, although I limited it to :ext: URLs that use a
username of anoncvs or _anoncvs and therefore probably don't require

Russ Allbery (               <>

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