Raphael Geissert wrote:
> I've been working on Lintian::Command::Simple but got
> stuck with the interface. I should probably push it somewhere and ask for
> comments.
> I've also done some work on making t/runtests run multiple jobs in
> parallel (using perl threads, actually). There's just one minor glitch I
> should be able to fix within a few minutes.
> The only downside is that the output is not clean, but unless I buffer it
> (which won't make it really show in what order stuff is being done)
> there's no other way around.

I'm attaching both changes. Comments? suggestions?

0007 includes the first set of changes of Lintian::Command::Simple. In the 
.t file I was trying to decide the best way to handle multiple jobs while 
still being able to recognise which one is reaped.

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net
>From 93630fcb67991bb2c68dc45706b080043298f680 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raphael Geissert <atom...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 00:14:03 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Run multiple tests from the testsuite in parallel

Experimental implementation using Perl threads.

Output is messy and the benefit is not _that_ great. Most of the tools
(debhelper, dpkg-*, etc) turn the speed completely CPU-bound.
 t/runtests |  204 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/t/runtests b/t/runtests
index 9f198e9..d29ae62 100755
--- a/t/runtests
+++ b/t/runtests
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ use warnings;
 use Data::Dumper;
 use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
 use Text::Template;
+use threads 'exit' => 'threads_only';
+use threads::shared;
@@ -68,13 +70,16 @@ our $STANDARDS_VERSION = '3.8.4';
 sub usage {
     print unquote(<<"END");
-:       Usage: $0 [-dkv] <testset-directory> <testing-directory> [<test>]
-:              $0 [-dkv] [-t <tag>] <testset-directory> <testing-directory>
+:       Usage: $0 [-dkv] [-j [<jobs>]] <testset-directory> <testing-directory> [<test>]
+:              $0 [-dkv] [-j [<jobs>]] [-t <tag>] <testset-directory> <testing-directory>
-:         -d        Display additional debugging information
-:         -k        Do not stop after one failed test
-:         -t <tag>  Run only tests for or against <tag>
-:         -v        Be more verbose
+:         -d          Display additional debugging information
+:         -j [<jobs>] Run up to <jobs> jobs in parallel. Defaults to two.
+:                     If -j is passed without specifying <jobs>, the number
+:                     of jobs started is <cpu cores>+1 if /proc/cpuinfo is readable.
+:         -k          Do not stop after one failed test
+:         -t <tag>    Run only tests for or against <tag>
+:         -v          Be more verbose
 :       The optional 3rd parameter causes runtests to only run that particular
 :       test.
@@ -88,10 +93,12 @@ our $DEBUG = 0;
 our $VERBOSE = 0;
 our $RUNDIR;
 our $TESTSET;
+our $JOBS = -1;
 my ($run_all_tests, $tag);
 GetOptions('d|debug'      => \$DEBUG,
+	   'j|jobs:i'     => \$JOBS,
 	   'k|keep-going' => \$run_all_tests,
 	   't|tag=s'      => \$tag,
 	   'v|verbose'    => \$VERBOSE) or usage;
@@ -110,6 +117,31 @@ unless (-d $TESTSET) {
     fail("test set directory $TESTSET does not exist");
+# Getopt::Long assigns 0 as default value if none was specified
+if ($JOBS eq 0 && -r '/proc/cpuinfo') {
+    open(CPU, '<', '/proc/cpuinfo')
+	or fail("failed to open /proc/cpuinfo: $!");
+    while (<CPU>) {
+	next unless m/^cpu cores\s*:\s*(\d+)/;
+	$JOBS += $1;
+    }
+    close(CPU);
+    print "Apparent number of cores: $JOBS\n" if $DEBUG;
+    # Running up to twice the number of cores usually gets the most out
+    # of the CPUs and disks but it might be too aggresive to be the
+    # default for -j. Only use <cores>+1 then.
+    $JOBS++;
+# No decent number of jobs? set a default
+# Above $JOBS should be set to -1 so that this condition is always met,
+# therefore avoiding duplication.
+if ($JOBS le 0) {
+    $JOBS = 2;
 # --- Display output immediately
 $| = 1;
@@ -124,9 +156,16 @@ my $status = 0;
 # If we don't run any tests, we'll want to warn that we couldn't find
 # anything.
-my $tests_run = 0;
+my $tests_run :shared = 0;
+# $JOBS is the limit, $jobs is how many there are left to be started
+my $jobs = $JOBS;
+# a stack with the created threads
+my @threads;
+my @tests :shared;
-my @tests;
 my $prev;
 # --- Run all test scripts
@@ -145,7 +184,7 @@ if ($singletest) {
 if (@tests) {
     print "Test scripts:\n";
-    if (system('prove', '-r', '-I', "$LINTIAN_ROOT/lib", @tests) != 0) {
+    if (system('prove', '-j', $JOBS, '-r', '-I', "$LINTIAN_ROOT/lib", @tests) != 0) {
 	exit 1 unless $run_all_tests;
 	$status = 1;
@@ -178,14 +217,29 @@ if ($singletest) {
 print "Found the following changes tests: @tests\n" if $DEBUG;
 print "Changes tests:\n" if @tests;
-for (@tests) {
-    my $okay = test_changes($_);
-    unless ($okay) {
-	exit 1 unless $run_all_tests;
-	$status = 1;
-    }
-    $tests_run++;
+while ($jobs--) {
+    print "Starting one thread, $jobs left\n" if $DEBUG;
+    my $thread = async {
+	while (scalar @tests) {
+	    {
+		lock(@tests);
+		$_ = shift @tests;
+	    }
+	    my $okay = test_changes($_);
+	    unless ($okay) {
+		exit 1 unless $run_all_tests;
+		$status = 1;
+	    }
+	    lock($tests_run);
+	    $tests_run++;
+	}
+    };
+    push @threads, $thread;
+while ($_ = shift @threads) { $_->join(); $jobs++; print "Joined threads: $jobs/$JOBS\n" if $DEBUG; }
+die("Some threads are still alive") if (threads->list(threads::all) != 0);
 # --- Run all debs tests
@@ -217,14 +271,29 @@ if ($prev and @tests) {
 print "Found the following debs tests: @tests\n" if $DEBUG;
 print "Raw Debian package tests:\n" if @tests;
-for (@tests) {
-    my $okay = test_deb($_);
-    unless ($okay) {
-	exit 1 unless $run_all_tests;
-	$status = 1;
-    }
-    $tests_run++;
+while ($jobs--) {
+    print "Starting one thread, $jobs left\n" if $DEBUG;
+    my $thread = async {
+	while (scalar @tests) {
+	    {
+		lock(@tests);
+		$_ = shift @tests;
+	    }
+	    my $okay = test_deb($_);
+	    unless ($okay) {
+		exit 1 unless $run_all_tests;
+		$status = 1;
+	    }
+	    lock($tests_run);
+	    $tests_run++;
+	}
+    };
+    push @threads, $thread;
+while ($_ = shift @threads) { $_->join(); $jobs++; print "Joined threads: $jobs/$JOBS\n" if $DEBUG; }
+die("Some threads are still alive") if (threads->list(threads::all) != 0);
 # --- Run all source tests
@@ -256,51 +325,89 @@ if ($prev and @tests) {
 print "Found the following source tests: @tests\n" if $DEBUG;
 print "Raw Debian source package tests:\n" if @tests;
-for (@tests) {
-    my $okay = test_source($_);
-    unless ($okay) {
-	exit 1 unless $run_all_tests;
-	$status = 1;
-    }
-    $tests_run++;
+while ($jobs--) {
+    print "Starting one thread, $jobs left\n" if $DEBUG;
+    my $thread = async {
+	while (scalar @tests) {
+	    {
+		lock(@tests);
+		$_ = shift @tests;
+	    }
+	    my $okay = test_source($_);
+	    unless ($okay) {
+		exit 1 unless $run_all_tests;
+		$status = 1;
+	    }
+	    lock($tests_run);
+	    $tests_run++;
+	}
+    };
+    push @threads, $thread;
+while ($_ = shift @threads) { $_->join(); $jobs++; print "Joined threads: $jobs/$JOBS\n" if $DEBUG; }
+die("Some threads are still alive") if (threads->list(threads::all) != 0);
 # --- Run all package tests
 $prev = $prev || scalar(@tests);
 @tests = ();
+my @tests_data;
 if ($singletest) {
     my $desc = "$TESTSET/tests/$singletest/desc";
     if (-f $desc) {
-	@tests = read_dpkg_control($desc);
+	@tests_data = read_dpkg_control($desc);
 } elsif ($tag) {
-    @tests = find_tests_for_tag($tag);
+    @tests_data = find_tests_for_tag($tag);
 } else {
     unless (-d $TESTSET) {
 	fail("cannot find $TESTSET: $!");
-    @tests = map { read_dpkg_control($_) } <$TESTSET/tests/*/desc>;
+    @tests_data = map { read_dpkg_control($_) } <$TESTSET/tests/*/desc>;
-...@tests = sort {
+...@tests_data = sort {
     $a->{sequence} <=> $b->{sequence}
 	|| $a->{testname} cmp $b->{testname}
-    } @tests;
-print "\n" if ($prev and @tests);
+    } @tests_data;
+my $tests = shared_clone(\...@tests_data);
+# free unused memory:
+...@tests_data = (); undef @tests_data;
+print "\n" if ($prev and @$tests);
 if ($DEBUG) {
     print "Found the following tests: ";
-    print join(' ', map { $_->{testname} } @tests);
+    print join(' ', map { $_->{testname} } @$tests);
     print "\n";
-print "Package tests:\n" if @tests;
-for my $test (@tests) {
-    my $okay = test_package($test);
-    unless ($okay) {
-	exit 1 unless $run_all_tests;
-	$status = 1;
-    }
-    $tests_run++;
+print "Package tests:\n" if @$tests;
+while ($jobs--) {
+    print "Starting one thread, $jobs left\n" if $DEBUG;
+    my $thread = async {
+	while (scalar @$tests) {
+	    my $test;
+	    {
+		lock($tests);
+		$test = shift @$tests;
+	    }
+	    my $okay = test_package($test);
+	    unless ($okay) {
+		exit 1 unless $run_all_tests;
+		$status = 1;
+	    }
+	    lock($tests_run);
+	    $tests_run++;
+	}
+    };
+    push @threads, $thread;
+while ($_ = shift @threads) { $_->join(); $jobs++; print "Joined threads: $jobs/$JOBS\n" if $DEBUG; }
+die("Some threads are still alive") if (threads->list(threads::all) != 0);
 # --- Check whether we ran any tests
@@ -669,12 +776,13 @@ sub unquote {
 sub runsystem {
     print "runsystem(@_)\n" if $DEBUG;
-    system(@_) == 0
-	or fail("failed: @_\n");
+    runsystem_ok(@_) or fail("failed: @_\n");
 sub runsystem_ok {
-    print "runsystem_ok(@_)\n" if $DEBUG;
+    print "runsystem_ok(@_) ok $$ (tid: ".threads->tid().")\n" if $DEBUG;
     my $errcode = system(@_);
     $errcode == 0 or $errcode == (1 << 8)
 	or fail("failed: @_\n");

>From c13bdec5d6a080902e374085d411afda0549715e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raphael Geissert <atom...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 23:55:09 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 7/7] Introduce Lintian::Command::Simple to run commands without pipes

Running multiple asynchronous processes with Lintian::Command leads to
an extra overhead.

This new module should ease multiple tasks that don't require pipes
to/from Perl code or other special features provided by
 lib/Lintian/Command/Simple.pm                      |  227 ++++++++++++++++++++
 t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/01-basic.t        |   10 +
 t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/02-OO-basic.t     |   14 ++
 t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/03-background.t   |   31 +++
 .../Lintian/Command/Simple/04-OO-background.t      |   26 +++
 t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/05-OO-errors.t    |   67 ++++++
 .../Lintian/Command/Simple/06-return-status.t      |   19 ++
 .../Lintian/Command/Simple/07-OO-other-methods.t   |   22 ++
 t/scripts/pod-coverage.t                           |    1 +
 9 files changed, 417 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/Lintian/Command/Simple.pm
 create mode 100644 t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/01-basic.t
 create mode 100644 t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/02-OO-basic.t
 create mode 100644 t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/03-background.t
 create mode 100644 t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/04-OO-background.t
 create mode 100644 t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/05-OO-errors.t
 create mode 100644 t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/06-return-status.t
 create mode 100644 t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/07-OO-other-methods.t

diff --git a/lib/Lintian/Command/Simple.pm b/lib/Lintian/Command/Simple.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d9c7b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Lintian/Command/Simple.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Raphael Geissert <atom...@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+# more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+package Lintian::Command::Simple;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+=head1 NAME
+Lintian::Command::Simple - Run commands without pipes
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use Lintian::Command::Simple;
+    Lintian::Command::Simple::exec("echo", "hello world");
+    # Start a command in the background:
+    Lintian::Command::Simple::fork("sleep", 10);
+    print (Lintian::Command::Simple::wait())? "success" : "failure";
+    # Using the OO interface
+    my $cmd = Lintian::Command::Simple->new();
+    $cmd->exec("echo", "hello world");
+    $cmd->fork("sleep", 10);
+    print ($cmd->wait())? "success" : "failure";
+Lintian::Command::Simple allows running commands with the capability of
+running them "in the background" (asynchronously.)
+Pipes are not handled at all, except for those handled internally by
+the shell. See 'perldoc -f exec's note about shell metacharacters.
+If you want to pipe to/from Perl, look at Lintian::Command instead.
+A procedural and an Object-Oriented (from now on OO) interfaces are
+It is possible to reuse an object to run multiple commands, but only
+after reaping the previous command.
+=item new()
+Creates a new Lintian::Command::Simple object and returns a reference
+to it.
+sub new {
+    my ($class, $pkg) = @_;
+    my $self = {};
+    bless($self, $class);
+    return $self;
+=item exec(command, argument  [, ...])
+Executes the given C<command> with the given arguments and returns the
+status code as one would see it from a shell script.
+Being fair, the only advantage of this function (or method) over the
+CORE::system() function is the way the return status is reported.
+sub exec {
+    my $self;
+    if (ref $_[0]) {
+	$self = shift;
+	return -1
+	    if defined($self->{'pid'});
+    }
+    system(@_);
+    return $? >> 8;
+=item fork(command, argument  [, ...])
+Executes the given C<command> with the given arguments asynchronously
+and returns the process id of the child process.
+A return value of -1 indicates an error. This can either be a problem
+when calling CORE::fork() or when trying to run another command before
+calling wait() to reap the previous command.
+sub fork {
+    my $self;
+    if (ref $_[0]) {
+	$self = shift;
+	return -1
+	    if (defined($self->{'pid'}));
+    }
+    my $pid = fork();
+    if (not defined($pid)) {
+	# failed
+	return -1;
+    } elsif ($pid > 0) {
+	# parent
+	$self->{'pid'} = $pid
+	    if (defined($self));
+	return $pid;
+    } else {
+	# child
+	close(STDIN);
+	open(STDIN, '<', '/dev/null');
+	CORE::exec @_ or die("Failed to exec '$_[0]': $!\n");
+    }
+=item wait([pid])
+When called as a function:
+If C<pid> is specified, it waits until the given process (which must be
+a child of the current process) returns. If C<pid> is not specified, it
+waits for any child process to finish and returns.
+When called as a method:
+It takes no argument. It waits for the previously fork()ed process to
+The return value is either -1, probably indicating an error, or the
+return status of the process as it would be seen from a shell script.
+See 'perldoc -f wait' for more details about the possible meanings of
+sub wait {
+    my ($self, $pid);
+    if (ref $_[0]) {
+	$self = shift;
+	$pid = $self->{'pid'};
+    } else {
+	$pid = shift;
+    }
+    if (defined($pid)) {
+	$self->{'pid'} = undef
+	    if defined($self);
+	return (waitpid($pid, 0) == -1)? -1 : ($? >> 8);
+    } elsif (not defined($self)) {
+	return (wait() == -1)? -1 : ($? >> 8);
+    } else {
+	return -1;
+    }
+=item pid()
+Only available under the OO interface, it returns the pid of a
+fork()ed process.
+After calling wait(), this method always returns undef.
+sub pid {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{'pid'};
+=head1 TODO
+Provide the necessary methods to modify the environment variables of
+the to-be-executed commands.  This would let us drop C<system_env> (from
+lib/Util.pm) and make C<exec> more useful.
+=head1 NOTES
+Unless specified by prefixing the package name, every reference to a
+function/method in this documentation refers to the functions/methods
+provided by this package itself.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+Combining asynchronous jobs from Lintian::Command and calls to wait()
+can lead to unexpected results.
+Calling wait() without a pid via the procedural interface can lead to
+processes started via the OO interface to be reaped. In this case, the
+object that started the reaped process won't be able to determine the
+return status, which can affect the rest of the application.
+As a general advise, the procedural and OO interfaces should not be
+combined when using fork().
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Originally written by Raphael Geissert <atom...@gmail.com> for Lintian.
diff --git a/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/01-basic.t b/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/01-basic.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06ba8c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/01-basic.t
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 3;
+BEGIN { use_ok('Lintian::Command::Simple'); }
+is(Lintian::Command::Simple::exec("true"), 0, 'Basic exec (true)');
+is(Lintian::Command::Simple::exec("false"), 1, 'Basic exec (false)');
diff --git a/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/02-OO-basic.t b/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/02-OO-basic.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b814a53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/02-OO-basic.t
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 3;
+use Lintian::Command::Simple;
+my $cmd;
+ok(eval { $cmd = Lintian::Command::Simple->new(); }, 'Create');
+is($cmd->exec("true"), 0, 'Basic exec (true)');
+is($cmd->exec("false"), 1, 'Basic exec (false)');
diff --git a/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/03-background.t b/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/03-background.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4eea79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/03-background.t
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 9;
+use Lintian::Command::Simple;
+my $pid;
+$pid = Lintian::Command::Simple::fork("true");
+cmp_ok($pid, '>', 0, 'Basic fork (true)');
+is(waitpid($pid, 0), $pid, "Waiting for pid");
+is($?, 0, "Return status is 0");
+# Again but using helper function
+$pid = Lintian::Command::Simple::fork("true");
+cmp_ok($pid, '>', 0, 'Basic fork (true), take two');
+is(Lintian::Command::Simple::wait($pid), 0, "Waiting and checking return status");
+is(waitpid($pid, 0), -1, "Process was really reaped");
+# One more time, but without passing a pid to wait()
+$pid = Lintian::Command::Simple::fork("true");
+cmp_ok($pid, '>', 0, 'Basic fork (true), take three');
+is(Lintian::Command::Simple::wait(), 0, "Waiting and checking \$? of any child");
+is(wait(), -1, "Process was really reaped");
diff --git a/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/04-OO-background.t b/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/04-OO-background.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48eb766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/04-OO-background.t
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 6;
+use Lintian::Command::Simple;
+my ($cmd, $pid);
+$cmd = Lintian::Command::Simple->new();
+$pid = $cmd->fork("true");
+cmp_ok($pid, '>', 0, 'Basic fork (true)');
+is(waitpid($pid, 0), $pid, "Waiting for pid");
+is($?, 0, "Return status is 0");
+# Again but using helper function
+$cmd = Lintian::Command::Simple->new();
+$pid = $cmd->fork("true");
+cmp_ok($pid, '>', 0, 'Basic fork (true), take two');
+is($cmd->wait(), 0, "Waiting and checking return status");
+is(waitpid($pid, 0), -1, "Process was really reaped");
diff --git a/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/05-OO-errors.t b/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/05-OO-errors.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d70cc8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/05-OO-errors.t
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 17;
+use Lintian::Command::Simple;
+my ($cmd, $pid);
+# Run a command via the procedural interface and make sure calling the
+# OO's interface wait() doesn't reap it (because the OO interface
+# should only deal with any command started with it)
+$pid = Lintian::Command::Simple::fork("true");
+$cmd = Lintian::Command::Simple->new();
+is($cmd->wait(), -1, "No job via OO interface, wait() returns -1");
+is(Lintian::Command::Simple::wait($pid), 0, "Checking \$? of the started child");
+# Run two commands in a row on the same object, without wait()ing
+$cmd = Lintian::Command::Simple->new();
+cmp_ok($cmd->fork("true"), '>', 0, 'Running one job is ok');
+is($cmd->fork("false"), -1, 'Running a second job is not');
+is($cmd->wait(), 0, "We wait() for the 'true' job");
+is(Lintian::Command::Simple::wait(), -1, "No other job is running");
+# Run two commands in a row on the same object, wait()ing
+$cmd = Lintian::Command::Simple->new();
+cmp_ok($cmd->fork("true"), '>', 0, 'Running one job is ok');
+is($cmd->wait(), 0, "We wait() for the 'true' job");
+cmp_ok($cmd->fork("false"), '>', 0, 'Running a second job is ok after wait()ing');
+is($cmd->wait(), 1, "We wait() for the 'true' job");
+# Just like the above cases, but combining a fork and an exec
+$cmd = Lintian::Command::Simple->new();
+cmp_ok($cmd->fork("true"), '>', 0, 'Running one job is ok');
+is($cmd->exec("false"), -1, 'Running exec() before wait()ing is not');
+is($cmd->wait(), 0, "We wait() for the 'true' job");
+# It can happen that a pid-less call to wait() reaps a job started by
+# an instance of the object. Make sure this case is handled nicely.
+$cmd = Lintian::Command::Simple->new();
+is(Lintian::Command::Simple::wait(), 0, 'Another wait() call reaps an OO job');
+is($cmd->wait(), -1, "We only know the job is gone, no return status");
+# But it was reaped anyway, so make sure it is possible to start
+# another job via the same object.
+cmp_ok($cmd->fork("true"), '>', 0, 'Running a second job is ok after foreign wait()');
+is($cmd->wait(), 0, "We wait() for the 'true' job");
diff --git a/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/06-return-status.t b/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/06-return-status.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..981ecfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/06-return-status.t
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 2;
+use Lintian::Command::Simple;
+my $pid;
+$pid = Lintian::Command::Simple::fork("false");
+is(Lintian::Command::Simple::wait($pid), 1, "Waiting with pid and checking return status");
+# One more time, but without passing a pid to wait()
+$pid = Lintian::Command::Simple::fork("false");
+is(Lintian::Command::Simple::wait(), 1, "Waiting without pid and checking return status");
diff --git a/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/07-OO-other-methods.t b/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/07-OO-other-methods.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74e9acb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/scripts/Lintian/Command/Simple/07-OO-other-methods.t
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 2;
+use Lintian::Command::Simple;
+my ($cmd, $pid);
+$cmd = Lintian::Command::Simple->new();
+$pid = $cmd->fork("true");
+is($cmd->pid(), $pid, 'pid() returns PID after fork()');
+# Using an object to run exec() should not preserve the old pid.
+# However, this test should never fail if we wait()ed for the old process
+isnt($cmd->pid(), $pid, 'pid() is no longer the old PID after exec()');
diff --git a/t/scripts/pod-coverage.t b/t/scripts/pod-coverage.t
index db371e9..4b472f0 100755
--- a/t/scripts/pod-coverage.t
+++ b/t/scripts/pod-coverage.t
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ our %MODULES =
      'Lintian::Check'             => [],
      'Lintian::Collect'           => [],
      'Lintian::Command'           => [],
+     'Lintian::Command::Simple'   => [],
      'Lintian::Data'              => [],
      'Lintian::DepMap'            => [],
      'Lintian::Relation'          => [ qr/^parse_element$/,


use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;

use Lintian::Command::Simple;

my ($cmd, $pid);

my $c = 4;

my %jobs;

while ($c--) {
    $cmd = Lintian::Command::Simple->new();
    $cmd->fork("sleep", 3);
    $jobs{$c} = $cmd;

while ((my $done = Lintian::Command::Simple::wait(\%jobs)) > 0) {

is($c, 4, "4 jobs were started, 4 reaped");


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