On Thu, 07 Jul 2011 00:25:59 +0200
Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> wrote:

> As a member of the Debian derivatives front desk (CCed) and initiator of
> the derivatives census, which aims to make derivatives more visible to
> Debian, I figured I should update lintian folks on the state of lintian
> development and usage in Debian derivatives.

Just a note, Emdebian is involved in lintian testing for Emdebian
packages, via the new lintian profile support (based on DEB_VENDOR), but
as the current Emdebian release (Grip) is binary-compatible with Debian,
the emphasis is on ensuring that the processed packages comply with the
Emdebian Policy changes from Debian Policy. (Specifically, allow the
removal of manpages and other files which lintian would otherwise
output as missing, allow compression where Debian does not, etc.)

Once MultiArch is in place with cross-building support, things will
change and Emdebian will again start using lintian in earnest. Quite
how and where the lintian tests are run is largely a problem of

> In addition, there is one derivative that I know of that has current and
> public lintian web pages, but I guess that one is well known by lintian
> maintainers since I guess it is run by Russ. It is a shame that lintian
> pages aren't more widespread within our derivatives. I guess some use it
> on the packages during their build process but I wonder how we could
> encourage them to use it more, anyone have any thoughts?

Lintian requires a lot of resources if it's to be run automatically
against an entire distribution. Emdebian will look at lintian reports
for cross-built stuff but that's only because that is likely to be
limited to less than a thousand source packages. Even then, I'm
expecting the full lintian test to take almost as long as it currently
takes to process the daily updates to Emdebian Grip.


Neil Williams

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