Niels Thykier <> writes:

>   * processes related packages together

>     Since 2.5.0~rc3 Lintian has grouped related packages and processed
>     them together.  With this Lintian can now do things like check if a
>     manpage is in a direct dependency. a direct dependency built from the same source package.  Unless
that feature is much neater than I think it is.  :)

>   * supports architecture specific overrides


>     In some cases tags may only appear on certain architectures and
>     since files must be "byte-for-byte"-identical in "Multi-Arch:
>     same" packages, Lintian now has architecture specific overrides.

>     For now it only supports "simple" architectures in the overrides. the overrides, not wildcards like "linux-any".  (Some people
probably won't know what you mean here, since architecture wildcards are
still fairly new.)

This otherwise looks great to me.

And on a personal note, thank you *so* much for all the work that you've
been doing on Lintian.  I've often had the experience with other open
source projects of personally running out of time and seeing the project
stagnate, which usually makes me feel even worse about not having enough
time and is very depressing.  It's been a delight to see things moving
along with such wonderful progress!  It's made it much less depressing to
be temporarily trapped in a deluge of work, and is keeping me feeling
enthusiastic about the chance to get back to work on Lintian again.

(My current major work project is supposed to go into beta release on
September 1st, after which I have a bunch of documentation to write and
then am on vacation for chunks of September and most of October, and then
I have great hopes to be back and able to do more Debian work.  At:

is what I've been working on, for anyone who's idly curious.)

Russ Allbery (               <>

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