control: tags -1 + moreinfo

>It would be really great if lintian could check for and warn if the
>a package calls update-rc.d in its maintainer scripts with "start"
>or "stop" arguments.  Likewise for dh_installinit which passes
>start and stop arguments to update-rc.d.

>Regular expressions which could be used:

>  update-rc.d.*[[:space:]]start[[:space:]]
>  update-rc.d.*[[:space:]]stop[[:space:]]

>  example packages: rsync, nfs-common

>This doesn't handle quoting of start or stop in the scripts, but I've
>not seen any in practice on my system.

>And in debian/rules:

>  dh_installinit.*--.*[[:space:]]start[[:space:]]
>  dh_installinit.*--.*[[:space:]]start[[:space:]]

>  example package: cron rpcbind

>I can provide some explanatory text if needed.  Essentially, the
>update-rc.d "start" and "stop" arguments are obsoleted and replaced by
>the "defaults" argument.  It is no longer possible to specify start
>and stop runlevel and sequence numbers; these must be provided by the
>LSB header of every init script.  If start and/or stop arguments are
>provided, these now act as if "defaults" had been used instead, and
>the extra runlevel and sequence information is discarded, and a
>warning will be issued.

I am willing to implement this test but could you please provide a description

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