Hi Mattia

On 4 May 2018 at 23:06, Mattia Rizzolo <mat...@debian.org> wrote:
> Whilst true that several packages could potentially remove the
> "migration" path, and IMHO even for most of the ones that added it it
> wouldn't have been necessary,

It's a lot more than several packages; codesearch.debian.net shows
1255 results for 'dbgsym-migration' and 175 results for

> packages that today migrate from a manual
> dbg to an automatic dbgsym and have any likelyhood of file clashing due
> to the built binaries having the same build-id would have to use that
> flag.  Doing something recommended (moving to dbgsym) and have that
> trigger a lintian tag —even if it is not a warning— would be very
> annoying.

Assuming* that most maintainers who had manual '-dbg' packages would
have added the migration path sometime during the year between the
announcement of Automatic Debug Packages and the Stretch Freeze, then
for most of these packages, the migration is complete and it can be

If a maintainer only decides to migrate their manual '-dbg' packages
now, and are reminded of this by means of a Lintain Info message until
the release of Buster, well, would that really be 'very annoying'?

> Graham: what is your reasoning for pushing toward what feels like a
> deprecation of --dbgsym-migration?  I've never heard any deprecation
> plan from Niels, and surely a versioned Breaks+Replaces in dbgsyms are
> not causing any issues.

What prompted this, was finding '--ddeb-migration' in one of my
packages that last needed to be touched in April 2016.
Having them there doesn't cause any issues, hence the Info level, but
we don't need to wait for them to be deprecated before we can remove
some cruft.


* good faith

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