Dear Lintian Maintainers,

Our lintian check on the Salsa CI Pipeline, which used to pass with a
few warnings, is now failing[0] with the following error:

> Usage: Lintian::files::empty_package::_set_is_dummy(self, newvalue) at
> /usr/share/lintian/checks/files/ line 42.
> internal error: cannot run files check on package
> binary:dummypackage/0.2-1/all

The package is just a dummy we made to test the pipeline, and it has
some issues which we just ignore for now.

I was able to reproduce the issue locally on lintian's latest version
(2.31.0) by building the package and running lintian with the .changes
file. BUT, if I only build the source package, everything goes well.

This fails:
> dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc
> lintian --display-info --pedantic ../*.changes

This works:
> dpkg-buildpackage -S
> lintian --display-info --pedantic ../*.changes

We haven't changed anything on the dummypackage when the issue started
to appear so I'm wondering if it's really an issue on our side.

Thanks in advance!


- ina

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