P.S: A recent archive-wide run showed 334 overrides and 1111
occurrences. The override ratio does not support a removal, but the
total number of occurrences may. Could it be true that we are shipping
1111 defective shared libraries? I don't think so.

Also, the tag carries the Severity 'error'.

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

* * *

detagtive=> SELECT count(taxiv.hint.id) AS hints,
count(taxiv.override.id) AS overrides

FROM taxiv.hint

INNER JOIN taxiv.run ON taxiv.run.id = taxiv.hint.run_id
INNER JOIN ftp.source ON ftp.source.id = taxiv.run.ftp_source_id
INNER JOIN ftp.source_name ON ftp.source_name.id = ftp.source.source_name_id
INNER JOIN lintian.tag ON lintian.tag.id = taxiv.hint.lintian_tag_id
INNER JOIN lintian.tag_name ON lintian.tag_name.id = lintian.tag.tag_name_id
LEFT JOIN taxiv.override ON taxiv.override.hint_id = taxiv.hint.id

        taxiv.run.lintian_version_id = 3
        lintian.tag_name.literal = 'library-not-linked-against-libc'

 hints | overrides
  1111 |       334
(1 row)

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