Package: lintian
severity: wishlist

In many lintian outputs (I use lintian -iIEcv --pedantic --color auto), Check: is a very good clue for people who are new to packaging. But it could be improved further.

For example in this case,

I: ruby-grape-path-helpers source: older-debian-watch-file-standard 3
I: older-debian-watch-file-standard
N: The version= line in the debian/watch file in this package declares an
N: older version. Please upgrade when you have a chance.
N: Refer to the uscan(1) manual page for details.
N: Severity: info
N: Check: debian/watch/standard

Check: debian/watch/standard could be changed to Check: version field in debian/watch can be better.

As there is no standard field in debian/watch or there is no debian/watch/standard file. It would be obvious to someone who is experienced, but making it clearly spelt is helpful to newbies.

Another example is,

E: ruby-grape-path-helpers source: bogus-mail-host Uploaders praveen@debian
E: bogus-mail-host
N: The host part of the named contact address is not known or not
N: globally routables, such as localhost(.localdomain).
N: Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 5.6.2 (Maintainer), Debian
N: Policy Manual section 5.6.3 (Uploaders), and Debian Policy Manual
N: section 5.6.4 (Changed-By) for details.
N: Severity: error
N: Check: fields/mail-address

Check: fields/mail-address could be,

Check: Uploaders/Maintainer in debian/control and debian/changelog (if we know the line number then mention it)

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