
On Sun 12 Sep 2021 at 07:07PM +01, Simon McVittie wrote:

> I see lintian has recently started emitting warnings for packages that
> have autopkgtests, but only superficial autopkgtests. I think this is
> counterproductive.
> Obviously, if a package can have reliable autopkgtests that are not
> superficial (not always feasible!), then we would prefer to have those.
> However, if non-superficial autopkgtests are not achievable, then it's
> *considerably* better to have superficial autopkgtests than no coverage
> at all - a superficial test, like running "foo --help" and checking
> that it doesn't segfault or linking a trivial program to a library and
> checking that it can link, can at least check that the package is not
> *completely* broken (perhaps in time to stop a serious regression in the
> package or a dependency from migrating to testing).

I agree, and would like to see the new tag downgraded below the W:
level.  It is not always a bug of greater severity than "wishlist" that
a package doesn't have non-superficial autopkgtests.  Perhaps it would
be a bug of a greater severity for some packages, based on certain roles
they might have, but not in general.

I would also note that Policy doesn't say anything about the degree to
which it is valuable to have autopkgtests -- unlike, for example, how it
says that all installed programs should have manpages.

Sean Whitton

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