
I was pointed to the solution in the German Debian-Forum [1].

Please take this as a feature request. "groff-message" doesn't help to know which commandline tool generated that error? Depending on your docu [2] it seems to be "man" itself and not a tool called "groff" or something else.

I was able to reproduce the error on the original upstream source file.

$ LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 MANROFFSEQ='' MANWIDTH=80 man --warnings -E UTF-8 -l -Tutf8 -Z "backintime-config.1" > /dev/null

    troff: <standard input>:734: bad argument name 'P'

The problem in that line is that there are three backslashes ("\\\") where there should be only two. "man" itself isn't very helpful because the error message doesn't explain that problem.

Christian Buhtz

[1] -- <https://debianforum.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=186018>
[2] -- <https://lintian.debian.org/tags/groff-message>

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