On 10/29/06, Marco Ghirlanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There's an option in make live for including images but it's
undocumented but still I would by far prefer the Knoppix way of
customization (on the graphical part). We have been including into my
former project Mediainlinux using Xnest at the last of the scripts
(before compressing the ISO). Any difference or clues on this?:

    Launching KDE to Change Menus, Icons, etc.

Couldn't you just run Xnest on your host system, then use
--include-image and --hook to copy in whatever files you need and then
invoke bash? Then from there you could just run DISPLAY=:1 startkde.

However I think there is an issue with saving settings for casper then.
Andrew Donnellan
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