On Sat, 5 May 2007 23:34:23 +0100
> Using this command as a root user:
>       #make-live --bootstrap debootstrap --distribution sid --username 
> usblive --filesystem ext2 --bootloader grub -b hdd -p standard
> generates a 'debian-live' directory, however:
> - It doesn't write anything to the target USB-stick

It isn't supposed to.  It should generate a debian-live/binary.img.

> - there is no documentation how to write what to the USB stick

You can use 'dd'.  It is documented, too:


Note: this doc is for live-package, not live-helper, but it works the
same way.

> - there is no documentation on how then to make the USB stick bootable

The image written in binary.img is bootable.  When you dd it to the usb stick,
the usb stick will be bootable.

> - there are no vmlinuz* nor initrd* files generated

Sid is buggy and won't build at this time.  Build against etch or lenny instead.

Also, the grub option doesn't currently work on usb.  Use syslinux for now.

 ,-.  nSLUG    http://www.nslug.ns.ca   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \`'  Debian   http://www.debian.org    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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