Hi list,

I found a weird comportment in this file/stage lh_chroot_local-packages.

Any package in chroot_local-packages must be named "package_all.deb" or
"package_${LH_ARCHITECTURE}.deb. I guess it's the expected comportment
(for my part, I would prefer that's all packages ".deb" can be
installed without any name restrictions).

But if someone put a "foobar.deb" in the directory, dpkg will try to
install "nothing" and will return a "usage". So I purpose this patch
to warn the users.


Erwan Le Gall

Groupe LINAGORA - http://linagora.com
Tél : +33 1 58 18 68 28
fax : +33 1 58 18 68 29
--- lh_chroot_local-packages.old	2008-03-28 15:46:24.000000000 +0100
+++ lh_chroot_local-packages	2008-04-07 09:59:03.000000000 +0200
@@ -64,8 +64,13 @@
 	# Installing packages
-        Chroot "find /root -name *.deb" > chroot/root/local-packages
-	Chroot "xargs --arg-file=/root/local-packages dpkg -i" || true
+	Chroot "find /root -name *.deb" > chroot/root/local-packages
+	if [ -s chroot/root/local-packages ]
+	then
+		Chroot "xargs --arg-file=/root/local-packages dpkg -i" || true
+	else
+		Echo_warning "Local packages must be nammed with suffix '_all.deb','-i386.deb' or ..."
+	fi
 	# Cleaning dependencies
 	Apt install -f
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