Hi all,

     Dyne:bolic has a feature called "docking" where the user is able to simply 
copy the system directory from the CD to a partition (what can be done from 
inside a windows system too) and boot using it instead the cd content. I find 
that awesome, since I can run my system everywhere and with high speed, not 
having to work on a system running from a cd. I also don't have to change the 
installed system, after using linux, I just erase the dyne directory and leave. 
The other cool thing is the so called "nesting", where the system automatically 
recognizes a existent *.nst file that stores the users data and config files 
(/etc content for example) and loads it. Is there a way to do those things with 
a DebianLiveCD? If not, I really think that is something to be thought about, 
than we all know how liveCDs are much more useful than simple 
show-linux-to-your-friends systems.


Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört?
Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger

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