Hey all,

I used to use the old MAKE-LIVE and loved it but just started using
I have a couple of questions that I hope someone will be able to answer.

1.      I need to keep 'libssl0.9.8' but the lh_build process ALWAYS
removes it.  How can I get the BUILD process to keep my libssl

2.      My old LiveCD used Fluxbox and GDM, right now when I build the
system Flux does not start automatically.

a.      I have a custom script which does: update-alternatives -set
x-session-manager /usr/bin/startfluxbox

b.      The above says it was set properly but when I boot the LiveCD,
Flux does not start automatically

c.      Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Daniel and Team,

Nice work on this new and improved version, I am liking it A LOT.

Thanks in advance all,
Stephen Yorke
IRC:    Screwba :: Screwba11

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