Chris Lamb wrote:
>  * Syslinux bootup issue - the boot template is displayed with the Debian
>    logo but the the text is cut off:
>       "Press F1 for help, or ENTER to"
>    It should, obviously, append "boot:" and allow the user to press enter or
>    enter parameters, etc.
>    I don't know the full details and this may actually be two issues, but:
>    1.  I can easily reproduce this with Qemu. Simply waiting about 60 seconds
>        results in the boot menu appearing. I have heard of other workarounds
>        (including setting a high screen resolution) which do not cause the
>        symptoms to appear.
>        IIRC KiBi and aurel32 were discussing this issue and were blaming a
>        change in Qemu, however:

we spoke very shortly about it on debconf; it's an issue in qemu,
aurelien was going to look at syslinux if the solution is obvious (don't
heard back from him, so I assume it is not), iirc his last-resort
solution would be to revert the change in qemu which broke it (he
already identified the offending line at that time).

also, i should inform hpa about it, eventually he has a solution for
syslinux itself.

>    2.  I've had a report of this issue appearing on a "first generation Santa
>        Rosa" (Intel-based) MacBook, with and without the refit bootloader.
>        Waiting does not seem to do anything, but Qemu's concept of "time"
>        doesn't seem to correlate with the real world anyway.
>    Are these the same issue, or should this MacBook issue be investigated
>    seperately?

i think this is most probably a different issue, yes.

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