Michael Graßl wrote:
> Hello


> Today I tried the new Beta Live CD, despite of the fact that I didn't
> found a mailinglist to talk about my Problems I'm going to write to you.
> ( I use the tiny standard version)

I've cc'ed the mailinglist, I hope you don't mind, and please do follup
uo there.

> Biggest Problem is/was that I didn't know the root password so I
> couldn't log in, after an hour I tried an "sudo -s", and hey it worked,
> but sudo isn't a default package in the original debian, so some people
> may didn't know that there is a sudo.

that is right; as written in the announcement, sudo is one of those
live-specific packages that were added to all live-cds in order to make
them usable.

> Why is there no auto setting for the network card, for somebody who only
> wants to try debian and didn't know alot about PCs it's hard to
> configure his network card, maybe a default dhcp will be nice.

there is. by default, all debian-live systems do dhcp on eth0. since
I've verified that with the images we've released, there must be
something wrong. do you have any special hardware that is not supported
with linux, or do you use multiple ethernet cards?

we're happy to help you, but we will need more information about your
system in order to do so.

> Thank you for your hard work the last few years.

you're welcome :)


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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