Chris Lamb wrote:
> Ouch. If this is the only option, then we must really make sure all the
> live-* packages in Lenny have the new list in the Maintainer field, which
> may have some timing issues.

yeah, but that is pretty easy :)

> Yes. I'm not sure what the objections were to this action before, but I
> presume we will be changing List-Id at the very least. But IMHO temporarily
> breaking filters by re-subscribing members is *far* preferable to
> essentially unsubscribing people, even if it is not silent. 

makes sense, i agree.

Thomas pinged me today, looks like we could get the new mailinglist
today night..

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

debian-live-devel mailing list

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