> I have re-read my last mail and still think I listed everything that I 
> did to resolve the matter.

again, i cannot reproduce it, see attached log (using live-helper from
git, but it's not different when using the one from sid).

and for the last time, if you want us to be able to fix a bug, we have
to be able to reproduce it. for that, we need information. what
information and how to make sure that this information is optained
reproducible, is listed in the manual in the section about how to
reporting bugs.

do read this, do follow the steps outlined there. if you don't, we can't
help, and your mails are, i'm sorry to say and don't take it personally,
both useless and frustrating.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist

Attachment: log.txt.gz
Description: application/gzip

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