However Ben, I was thinking...

How can I install Eclipse from Debian Live interactive shell? The installer
is GUI based as far as I am concerned, so I would need to install it once I
boot the live system. In that case, I would need to take a tar ball before
and after of the WHOLE SYSTEM right? This is not that feasible as far as I
am seeing it...

Your opinion about that?

On 25 August 2010 18:59, Robert Spiteri <> wrote:

> Thanks Ben. I think I will go with the approach of comparing the user's
> home directory cause as you said it is the most feasible one.
> I am not planning on including an installer. Just a Live CD that is readily
> available and configured with software that a student needs to start
> programming in LeJOS.
> Cheers for the detailed explanation. Makes a great deal of sense.
> On 25 August 2010 12:39, Ben Armstrong <>wrote:
>> Robert,
>> On 08/25/2010 04:33 AM, Robert Spiteri wrote:
>>> Hi, I am trying to build a Debian Live CD for our school where we will be
>>> using nxjc compiler for the LeJOS (Java for Lego Mindstorms).
>> Cool project!
>>  I was planning to include Eclipse and an IDE, however once I install
>>> Eclipse I would need to make some configuration and I would prefer to work
>>> using the GUI.
>>> Is there a way (while being in the interactive shell during debian image
>>> building) to launch some sort of GUI where I can modify the settings of
>>> certain programs before actually exiting the interactive shell and continue
>>> with the build?
>>> Reason I am asking is that I want to create a live cd with all the
>>> settings predefined and not having to use persistence.
>> A reasonable way to do this is:
>> - boot the live system without your eclipse configurations
>> - tar up the user home directory (your "before")
>> - start eclipse
>> - configure eclipse
>> - exit eclipse
>> - tar up the user home directory into a separate file (your "after")
>> - copy both before/after tarballs to your build system
>> - compare before & after contents and observe what files changed (untar
>> each into a separate directory and compare the directory trees with a visual
>> diff/merge tool like 'meld', 'kompare', or 'xxdiff')
>> - save the changed files in config/chroot_local-includes/etc/skel/ (which
>> will be used to populate the 'user' directory when it is created by adduser
>> when the live system boots)
>> This method can be used to preconfigure almost any application with GUI
>> configuration that you want to include in your live image, and is superior
>> to what you propose because it doesn't rely on the fragile and
>> labour-intensive step of having to manually configure things each time you
>> build.
>> Nevertheless, there is a chroot_interactive helper (see --interactive in
>> the lh_config man page) to start a shell in the chroot in the middle of your
>> build, from which you might then start an X session, run an app in it, and
>> play with it.  I would strongly recommend against using this in your actual
>> build, but instead only use it for debugging and experimentation.
>> Note: if you include an installer on the image, the files in /etc/skel
>> will be copied into ever user's home directory created thereafter.  This may
>> or may not be what you intended.  For an alternate approach that avoids
>> this, consider making a live-config hook that will only run for the live
>> system and that populates the user directory with this material after the
>> live user is created.
>> Ben
> --
> Robert


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