Package: Debian-Live
Version: Bookworm 12.5

The current version of the debian-live installer in the Debian Bookworm
repositories installs raspberry-firmware which was a feature of Debian
12.0. This was subsequently resolved with the release of Debian 12.1.

Debian-Live has never been updated in the Debian Repositories from the 12.0
release. Building an image after installing debian-live from Debian's
Bookworm Repository still includes raspi-firmware even on Debian 12.5

Building debian-live from source resolves this issue.

To demonstrate:
Install debian-live from the repositories as described in 3.2.1 of the
debian live manual.
clone the linuxcnc live installer from their repositories  (use the default
Bookworm branch) and build
Search the build log for raspberry-firmware. It will be found.
Remove the debian-live package, build the deb from source and install it as
per 3.2.2 of the Debian Live Manual.

Searching build.log for raspi-firmware will not find it.

Please update the Debnian repositories so it is consistent with the source.

I am the linuxcnc user who built our debian live installer mentioned above.
We distribute our ISO via and this has been
a very frustrating issue for many of our users relying on our ISO.

Rod Webster
*1300 896 832*
+61 435 765 611

*Sole Queensland Distributor*

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