Debian LTS Advisory DLA-3814-1                debian-...@lists.debian.org
https://www.debian.org/lts/security/                      Markus Koschany
May 13, 2024                                  https://wiki.debian.org/LTS

Package        : glib2.0
Version        : 2.58.3-2+deb10u6
CVE ID         : CVE-2024-34397

Alicia Boya Garcia reported that the GDBus signal subscriptions in the
GLib library are prone to a spoofing vulnerability. A local attacker can
take advantage of this flaw to cause a GDBus-based client to behave
incorrectly, with an application-dependent impact.

For Debian 10 buster, this problem has been fixed in version

We recommend that you upgrade your glib2.0 packages.

For the detailed security status of glib2.0 please refer to
its security tracker page at:

Further information about Debian LTS security advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: https://wiki.debian.org/LTS

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