Hi Hugo

This is interesting. Some comments below.

On 3 April 2017 at 20:21, Hugo Lefeuvre <h...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi Ola,
> Thanks for your detailed explanations.
> Some logging:
> static int findnext(potrace_bitmap_t *bm, int *xp, int *yp) {
>   FILE *fl = fopen("log", "w");
>   fprintf(fl, "Starting test\n");
>   fflush(fl);
>   int x;
>   int y;
>   int x0;
>   x0 = (*xp) & ~(BM_WORDBITS-1);
>   for (y=*yp; y>=0; y--) {
>     for (x=x0; x<bm->w && x>=0; x+=BM_WORDBITS) {
>       //fprintf(fl, "x=%d\n", x);
>       if (*bm_index(bm, x, y)) {
>         fprintf(fl, "Executed *bm_index(bm, x=%d, y=%d)\n", x, y);
>         fflush(fl);
>         while (!BM_GET(bm, x, y)) {
>           fprintf(fl, "Executed !BM_GET(bm, x=%d, y=%d)\n", x, y);
>           fflush(fl);
>           x++;
>         }
>         /* found */
>         *xp = x;
>         *yp = y;
>         fclose(fl);
>         return 0;
>       }
>     }
>     x0 = 0;
>   }
>   /* not found */
>   fprintf(fl, "Nothing found, exit with x=%d\n", x);
>   fclose(fl);
>   return 1;
> }
> (probably lots of useless fflush-es, but that doesn't matter)
> 1) When //fprintf(fl, "x=%d\n", x); is commented, potrace crashes and the log
> file only contains "Starting test".


> 2) If we uncomment it, potraces does not crash anymore and the log file
> contains
> Starting test
> x=0
> x=64
> x=128
> ...
> x=2147483584
> Nothing found, exit with x=-2147483648
> which is the excepted behavior (right?).

Yes then x has clearly become negative. If the x>= 0 would not have
been there, it would have crashed due to that. I guess the fprintf
function call make sure (in some way unknown to me) that the optimizer
can not optimize away the x>= 0 part. I guess if that (the introduced
x >= 0) is removed, it will crash, right?

> Case 1) is difficult to investigate because each time I try to log x or do
> anything with it, potrace does not crash anymore and everything works 
> perfectly.
> Anyway, x seems to become negative which makes (x)/BM_WORDBITS negative and 
> leads
> &bm_scanline(bm, y)[(x)/BM_WORDBITS]) to segfault.
> So you're right, it looks like the current issue comes from an erroneous
> optimization of the loop, like if the x>=0 statement would be ignored.
> It would probably be interesting to look at the assembly code, but I'm
> not sure it's a good way to spend my hours. :)

I guess not. :-)

>> I think it would be better to have a check to validate if w is too large.
> You mean something like that (roughly)
> if( bm->w >= INT_MAX - BM_WORDBITS ) {
>   return 0;
> }
> before the y loop ?

Yes, something like that. I do not think the optimizer can optimize
that statement away. :-)
It may be worth a try. But if that do not solve it I think we can
leave it as a no-dsa as that have already been done for stable (as I
understood it).

>> As a side-note. We probably have a similar issue if something is
>> matched at this very end. Then x++ is done a number of times, and that
>> could also lead to integer overflow. Maybe this is what you see in
>> wheezy?
> Let's say bm->w = INT_MAX, x = INT_MAX, y = 1:
> BM_GET(bm, x, y) = (bm_safe(bm, x, y) ? BM_UGET(bm, x, y) : 0)) = 0
> as
> bm_safe(bm, x, y) = (bm_range(x, (bm)->w) && bm_range(y, (bm)->h)) = 0
> as
> bm_range(x, (bm)->w) = ((int)(x) >= 0 && (int)(x) < (bm->w)) = 0 as x>=bm->w
> and
> bm_range(y, (bm)->h) = ((int)(y) >= 0 && (int)(y) < (bm->w)) = 1
> so I guess
> while (!BM_GET(bm, x, y)) {
>   x++;
> }
> would continue to loop, there would be an integer overflow, and it would
> continue to loop for a long long time, until x becomes positive again...
> But no segfault IMO because BM_UGET won't be called if x and y are not
> positive and there's no segfault-prone statement in BM_GET/the loop.

Ok. That sounds like a likely case, yes.

>> Addition of (unsigned):
>> ---------------------------------
>> This is clearly superflous. First of all it will be converted back to
>> (int) as x is an integer. Secondly BM_WORDBITS is
>> 8*(int)sizeof(potrace_word) = 8*(int)sizeof(unsigned long) and that is
>> definitely a positive number always.
>> I think this is definitely optimized away, if it ever had a meaning.
> +1


Best regards

// Ola

> Cheers,
>  Hugo
> --
>              Hugo Lefeuvre (hle)    |    www.owl.eu.com
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