
Do we have a fix that solve the problem? If we do we can simply upload a
new version with the fix and describe it accordingly.
If it is fixed in some cases it may be considered fixed.

I have not checked the details about this specific problem.

// Ola

On 2 April 2018 at 10:22, Brian May <b...@debian.org> wrote:

> Ola Lundqvist <o...@inguza.com> writes:
> > We can simply send a DLA-1283-2 telling that it was not fixed.
> Do we all agree that this is not fixed? It really depends on the user's
> of this library and how they use it.
> Lets assume we agree it isn't fixed.
> I cannot think how to word this advisory. I don't think we have any
> advisory yet that completely reverses an existing advisory. Maybe
> somethin glike "DLA1283-1 indicated that we have a solution for
> CVE-2018-6594, but this has been disputed by the researchers who found
> the problem who claim the problem is not fixed."?
> Also we would somehow have to update the security tracker to reflect
> that the issue is not actually fixed.
> --
> Brian May <b...@debian.org>

 --- Inguza Technology AB --- MSc in Information Technology ----
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