
as hopefully most of you will have noted, DLAs are now being published
on https://www.debian.org/lts/security/ (and as such some of them have
already been translated in various languages)!

As such, *you* are now also responsible for publishing DLAs on the
website, which is outlined in

The method described there assumes one cannot push directly, in which
case I (or someone else) will merge the DLA into webwml.git. However, I
would pretty very much prefer if many of you could request commit access
and push directly themselves.

Last and least, 31 DLAs are still missing on www.d.o, 25 of them are
from 2014, but the follwing 6 are pretty recent and I would very much
appreciate if those who did those DLAs could add them to webwm.git as

   DLA 1688-1
   DLA 1687-1
   DLA 1685-1
   DLA 1684-1
   DLA 1683-1
   DLA 1682-1

Thank you!


       PGP fingerprint: B8BF 5413 7B09 D35C F026 FE9D 091A B856 069A AA1C

Our civilization is being sacrificed for the opportunity of a very small number
of people to continue making enormous amounts of money...  It is the sufferings
of the many  which pay  for the luxuries  of the few...  You say  you love your
children  above all else,  and yet  you are stealing  their future  in front of 
their very eyes...

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